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Online Lessons via Zoom Tips and Requirements

All you need to know about your online lessons!

Install Zoom on your device (phone, tablet or laptop will do)

Ensure Zoom is installed and you click on the given link at time of booking when your lesson time comes around. This will ensure you will join the meeting with Dom. An external microphone is optional.

Stable Internet Connection

Ensure you have a stable internet connection for the best experience. Recommended at least 20MB/s download speed.

An Instrument with You

An instrument with you is important as Dom may ask you to demonstrate some things after discussions.

When booking, describe your experiences

It is important to get most out of all lessons. Describing your experiences of practice and piano will ensure Dom can cater the lesson for you needs. Also writing what you would like to learn about will help that the lesson is planned accordingly.

Contact and give it a go! You don't know until you try.

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