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The Beginning


Dom La Ferlita started piano studies at the late age of 14. Ever since getting a keyboard for Christmas, Dom practiced at least 2 hours per day and within 4 years of study, was accepted into University to study his Bachelor of Music (Honours) Degree.

The Road to Success


After completing BMus(Honours), Dom studied Masters in Music and then transferred to Masters in Music (Performance Teaching) after realising a passion for teaching. He teaches at a very high standard to students of all ages, performs regularly and continues to develop his craft and inspire others in the process. He has helped at least one student get into University to study piano at a highly advanced level and continues to grow his knowledge in all things music.

Now and Beyond


Educating, producing, music writing and performing, Dom is one of the most versatile musicians in Australia.

Philosophy Brief


Everyday, I do at least one thing to help me grow. Be better. We all have the time to develop ourselves to ultimately become a better version of ourselves from yesterday.


When educating piano students, I always teach technique - but technique to me is not just mechanical finger technique, but instead, musical understanding and interpretation is all part of technique to me. 

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